Bread - No Carb Diets Must Die!

I pity those that only know bread as something that comes into the home cold and wrapped in plastic. Even if you get it from a local bakery, if you find one let me know where it is, it is still not the same as homemade bread. The smell in the house alone is worth the little trouble it takes to make homemade bread.

As a human being I am concerned that we are losing very basic life skills, baking is one of those simple skills that is dying. Bread to many is a lifeless loaf that has more air between the crust than glutton. How many people know the joy of kneading a yeast dough and watching those little yeasts burp gas that causes the dough to rise. How many people know the joy of knowing what is in their bread? How many people would die in a house stocked with only basic supplies and not frozen, canned, or otherwise prepared and prepackaged food?

The why question is probably bouncing around in some heads by this point. Why do I want to take 3 hours out of a day to make bread? Why do I want to do something that I do not really have time to do? Hogwash! Most people watch TV that much. Heck for most of the three hours it takes to make bread you can watch TV. People, many of us need to slow down, we need to spend time with our kids teaching them about life and life skills. We need to take time to reflect on our lives and our world. Yes, I mean you need to make your own bread! Well at least sometimes.

Bread itself is thought provoking! Most Americans are spoiled and we live in an over abundance. My favorite bread story comes from a friend of mine from Israel who is a Christian Arab. He told me about how in their country they never threw away bread, but if the lady of the house had to throw it away she would wrap it up and kiss it and thank God for such abundance that she could throw bread away. I had much guilt about the half a loaf of moldy bread I have thrown away plenty of times.

Think of the religious significance of bread. Jesus Christ teaches us to pray that God will give us our daily bread. It is common bread that is used to represent the body of Christ given for us in the Lord's Supper. See what one afternoon every couple of weeks can do! Not only will it give you bread for a few weeks but it will stimulate your mind about the world around us and the God who created it!

So your a cynic, pagan, atheist, or materialist; I have a reason for you! Cold hard cash, have you seen what they are charging for a pound of bread! Day old supermarket bread that has a crust and some protein structure will run you $4 a loaf. What if I told you that you could make $20 by mainly watching TV for the better part of three hours? Would you take me up on the offer? Well you can just make bread!

Bread, it is good for you! Just don't eat all five loaves in two days. Pace yourself! Bread is a good part of a healthy diet if it is eaten properly and if maybe it even has some whole grains in it. So pass by the long cold lifeless bread aisle and head on over and get some bread flour and yeast. Make some bread and relax; you will love it!

Looking for a bread recipe? My mom made five loaves with my kids today and it is awesome. It freezes well so you can make the five loaves and freeze a few for next week. It is real simple and all the hard work is done by the mixer. Click Here for the recipe!

(PS- the recipe says six loafs, mom made five so I do know if she changed something or not you can comment and I am sure you will get an answer!)

Good Eating's,

The Hungry Preacher


  1. Have you tried beer bread? My grandmother used to make it. Easy to make and very good.

  2. Sorry for the multiple posts. I just learned how to hot link other pages in blogger comments. I enjoy reading this blog. Everyone can relate to food.

  3. M doesn't change anything that I know of. It really is a very good bread. She used the left over whey from my cheese making in place of the water in the last batch she made and it is so very delicious!

  4. Just browsing blogs and happened to fin you.. but Oh, SO true about the smell of baking bread. I haven't bought store brand since January. Here's a link you might find interesting

    Now it's homemade all the time whether it's a nice crusty loaf or indian flatbread..



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