Shealy's BBQ

There are some BBQ places that you simply go for the meat. It is all about the meat! They will give you a scoop of canned baked beans, Cole slaw out of a white plastic tub and top it with a roll out of a plastic bag. It is not about the sides it is about the meat only. Those things are only put on there to give some semblance of the food pyramid, only upside down, because again it is only about the meat.

Shealy's BBQ is not this type of BBQ House. I can still remember my first encounters with Shealy's. The BBQ was very good, but I can still remember the vegetables, the corn, and especially the green beans that were just excellent. They were seasoned and had pork fat of some sort that just made them delicious!

Shealy's BBQ caters in the Columbia area. My college friend Eric Dell's parents had Shealy's cater a graduation party in Cayce, SC. I was glad I drove down that day not only to see my friend but also to eat that food! Another memorable event was the 1999 Spring Meeting of Catawba Presbytery at the Edward's Memorial Church. This was the meeting where I was examined and licenced to preach. Shealy's BBQ catered lunch that day, my stomach was so upset from the exam. The Chicken stood out to me that day, it was just what I needed!

The BBQ Connoisseur gives Shealy's a thumbs up! My Daughter, BBQ man, and I went there in June of 2008. We were at a funeral in Hilda, SC and worked our way back over to Shealy's. I ate too much! Why is it when you eat pork it is delicious, but then you take one bite too much and it makes you feel so bad? I ate in excess of my limit and was miserable from Batesburg to Columbia. So when you go to Shealy's make sure you have a plan of attack. Remember you are there for the green beans and corn too! Plan room for Bannana Pudding as well.

This summer on my way from Myrtle Beach to Easley, my whole family stopped by for lunch on a Friday. It was consistent with every other time I had eaten their food. I took some hash home for my mom and sister and they said it was excellent.

So if you are married to someone who doesn't like the usually BBQ joint or maybe you would like a little vegetation with your smoked meats, then take a trip to Batesville, South Carolina and eat at Shealy's BBQ.
Good Eating!
The Hungry Preacher


  1. We ate at Big Daddy Hawg's in Fingerville today... definitely a meat only kinda place.

    Loved the hash... it was good... but I still like Maurice's better... probably a sentimental favorite :)

  2. Thats Batesburg Leesville, SC. ;)

    1. The Hungry PreacherApril 19, 2012 at 3:12 PM

      Is it one two named place or two seperate places? If two which one is Shealy's officially in?


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