Out of State Special - China Delight Dim Sum (Atlanta)

My Wife looked at my with that lost look as we drove from the beach to my mother's home in Easley. We had been discussing the plans for the next few days with my mom. It would involve a trip to the mountains to see Thomas the Train, a trip to Atlanta to eat Dim Sum, and shop at the international markets that same day. It was the Dim Sum that was the cause of the look.

My wife asks me "What is Dim Sum?"

My response was not well thought out, think maybe something along the line of George from Seinfeld. I said " You know it's Dim Sum!"

This of course was not the right thing to say. The problem was that she needed reassurance that this was not going to be weird or strange. Being a great mother she was also concerned about the baby, there is no need to every be concerned about the older three. Two of them eat everything and the other eats nothing; but there is also the 11 month old who needs to eat something that she can handle. Yet I responded with a answer that carried with it an attitude as if she had asked "what color is the sky?" or "do birds fly?"

How we present food, even in conversation with someone can directly affect how we like it. I know that some people can be turned off by a dirty restaurant or by a poor presentation. A bad review can really hurt your image of a place or a food even before you have tried it. So foodies out there be careful what you say.

We made it to the Dim Sum place a little late. It was the third day of our visit and I think "I" was starting to stink as Ben Franklin's saying goes. Yet the food was good. We were cramped because we were not thinking to ask to pull tables together. That was our fault not the restaurants.

The food was good. We had a host of things. Now if you are like my wife and you are still wondering what is Dim Sum think of a Chinese cross between brunch and tapas. The waitress comes by your table and there are small plates of food that are offered to your table. You point at what you want, you have to point because they do not speak English very well. This goes on for as long as you are hungry. At the end you count up your plates and that is the bill. It is served with hot tea.

This is a great meal for a large group of people so that you can try many different things. I really liked the fried shrimp ball skewerd on sugar cane. They have soup and egg rolls that most people would be familiar with from the Chinese buffet down the street. They had all sorts of dumplins, the shark fin had cartlidge in it (yuk!) but the rest were great. It is better to go earlier in the day they have more selection and yes, we found food for the baby!

Dim Sum is an early day meal, the restaurant serves very good Chinese food at night. If you are over near Chamblee, in northeast Atlanta, you should give it a try!

I look forward to going with my family again. We will get there early and EVERYONE will order a water (that's is an inside joke!). I think that my wife will enjoy it more, she also said she would sit by my sister next time and not me. What does that mean?

Good Eating!

The Hungry Preacher


  1. That means I know what I'm eating LOL!!

    Definitely water for everyone and more than one pot of tea!

    Ohhh I'm lovin' me some Dim Sum... but having spaghetti tonight!!!


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