The Fourth of July (Boy It's Hot!)

     The Fourth of July does not hold for me a clear defining food memory. Christmas is always steak. Thanksgiving is turkey and dressing. The Fourth of July has never had a signature meal. There have been years that we have grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. We have had BBQ pork. I can even remember having pizza one year. 
     In the North, where the summers are short, it is a custom to be outside. Here in South Carolina where we have high humidity and hot temperatures it is hard to be outside. Just days ago our capital set a new record of around 109 degrees. So for this Hungry Preacher the idea of going outside for the Fourth of July is not a cherished thought. After all, I am the same one who brought our May church picnic inside the fellowship hall. So If I am not going to go outside into the heat, humidity, and swarm of insects then what should be my Fourth of July food tradition? 
Here are a few ideas: 

     Cook outside and then eat inside. Why would we want to ignore the Lord’s great blessing of Air Conditioning. It both cools and dehumidifies. I find the idea of my food being seasoned by my own salty sweat a bit unappetizing. So for lunch this year I will light my grill and then step back into the lovely A/C. I will apply meat to said grill and then back to the A/C. I will then send my eldest child to go and flip meat, while I stay in the climate controlled comfort of my kitchen. In spite of my obvious issues with heat, humidity, and bugs, it is hard to get away from the grill on the Fourth of July.

     Cool Eats are great ideas. Cole Slaw, Carrot Salad, Potato Salad and Cucumber Salad are appropriate sides in the heat of a Carolina summer. I can remember all from my childhood. In the South, Paprika is put on the top of Potato Salad. I remember as a small child my mother letting me sprinkle on the paprika, but she wanted me to just put on a little bit. Today I like to cover the top with the wonderful red hue of the paprika. The key to good Potato salad is to make it the day before. This allows the flavors to meld and the salad to get good and cold. A refreshing side. My great Aunt Sarah made a wonderful cucumber and onion salad. In the heat of the summer, I think it would only make sense to have a cold side as part of your Fourth of July celebration.

     BBQ is an obvious choice. Slow cooked pork in either sandwiches or just with sauce would make a great Fourth tradition. Many will smoke their BBQ over the cool night and then pull it in the morning. You can cook a pork butt in the oven and then apply sauce. While not technically BBQ, it is still good. Many BBQ places will sell it by the pint or quart so all you have to do is pick it up. Wise’s BBQ in Newberry County close their restaurant for the whole day except for the To-Go window.

      Dessert is easy. It would have to be homemade Ice-cream and a fruit type dessert. We have an abundance of blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and other summer fruit around The Fourth. Peaches are also a very good choice. Now I know that there is nothing more American than Apple pie, but that is Thanksgiving. A good Blueberry pie or Blackberry cobbler would be excellent. Peach Cobbler would be my choice. Homemade Ice cream is a memory from my youth as well, except it was not made with an electric churn or a frozen core. It was an old hand cranked model that we would all take a turn cranking and for a child it seem to take forever, but it was the best Ice Cream. 
     Remember take time to make memories for you and your family. Make a tradition that ties those memories together. Have a happy Fourth of July! 
Good Eatings!
The Hungry Preacher
