Shifting Gears

 It has been just over a year since I found out I was type 2 diabetic. I had been doing well watching my diet and trying to exercise, but then when the pandemic hit I let my eating go a bit. I chose mental health over physical health. I am now moving back towards a strict diet which is geared along the lines of the Keto/Low Carb variety. 

It only takes a bit of creativity to make this work. I have found a few things that you can substitute. At Olive Garden, you can get your sauce over broccoli rather than pasta which is quite good. At home, Zucchini noodles and cauliflower rice are a starch substitute. Generally, I do not like "healthy" foods pretending to be something else. I remember 20 years ago attempting veggie burgers, the results were disappointing. There is an assortment of cheeses and meats that make good snacks and I am learning about Keto bread and desserts. It really has to be more than a diet, but a total change in your relationship with food. 

It is hard for someone who enjoys the art of cooking and eating to have to be limited in what I eat. I do believe that Type 2 diabetes is reversible, but it takes discipline. My blog is probably going to shift gears with my new lifestyle and be a bit more focused on healthier options, but there will still be an occasional treat here and there. 
